Our Policies
Children’s Behaviour
All children are expected to behave in a manner acceptable to the staff of the Centre. Our program is planned so that acceptable behaviour is encouraged and rewarded.
A set of basic rules for the children has been developed and all children are asked to abide by them. The rules are displayed on the notice board and parents are asked to support the staff in enforcing these rules. If necessary, reasonable behaviour management strategies will be taken in line with the Centre’s Behaviour Management Policy. Parents/guardians will be consulted in the case of continued disruptive behaviour
The Management Committee reserves the right to terminate a child’s enrolment if negative behaviour persists after reasonable action has been taken to encourage and involve the child in a positive way. This will especially be the case if the safety and security of other children is at risk. We encourage you to confide in staff if your child has serious behaviour problems. Discussions involving your child/ren will remain confidential. Our complete policy documents are available on request.
Cancellation of enrolment
If, at any time during the year, you find that you no longer require before or after school care, you must give us two weeks notice in writing, otherwise two weeks fees will be charged.
It is essential that you advise staff as soon as possible if your child/ren will be absent for any reason whatsoever – e.g. your child is sick, or going to a friend’s house on a particular day, you have an RDO, Grandparent or friend is picking your child up from school, etc. etc. If it is a permanent booking you will still be charged for the day.
Personal Possessions
To avoid disappointment in the case of loss, breakage or confusion over ownership, we ask that you discourage your child/ren from bringing ‘favourite’ or valuable toys to the Centre. The staff assume no responsibility for children’s clothing, toys or other possessions – especially those left behind at school. Please check that your child/ren has collected their rightful belongings (especially school bags) before leaving the Centre at the end of the day.
Nanyima aims to establish and maintain effective communication between parents, staff, children and the Parent Management Committee. Newsletters are distributed monthly and contain information about activities at the Centre, forthcoming meetings, social events, etc. Notices for parents are also displayed on the small notice board. We encourage you to spend some time talking with the staff and to establish a routine for exchanging information about your child/ren with them. This will increase the staff’s understanding of your child/ren and help them plan appropriate care for your child/ren. You may need to consider making an appointment with the Co-ordinator if you have any major concerns or issues you wish to discuss.
In the event of an accident involving your child, you will be notified immediately and advised of the action taken. If the parent/guardian cannot be contacted in a medical emergency, the child’s family doctor or other medical help will be sought. If their condition is serious, an ambulance will be called.
If your child arrives unwell or becomes unwell during the course of the program, he/she will be comforted until we can contact you and you are able to collect your child. Please understand that we do not have the facilities or resources to care for children who are ill. Please advise staff promptly if any of your family have been in contact with a contagious disease.
Medication will only be administered to children with explicit written permission from the child’s parent/guardian. All medication must be in its original container, with the original label clearly displaying the child’s name and instructions for use. Supervision will be provided for children who “self administer” medication – e.g. Asthma “puffer”.
It is the parents/guardians’ responsibility to be familiar with the procedures in relation to medication, accidents and illness, and to ensure that relevant consent forms are completed. Please speak to the Co-ordinator if you have any concerns or questions about any of these matters.
Payment of fees
The current fee schedule (as at July 2024) is as follows: Before School Care: $20.00 or $22.00 for casual bookings. After School Care: $32.00 or $34.00 for casual bookings. Vacation Care: $80, Excursions $95. Payment is via direct debit from your bank account or credit card. You can check your account at any time via the Xplor Home app. Direct debits will be processed every second Thursday for that week plus the next week.
Fees are to be paid for all booked days, whether your child attends or not, until such time as the booking is changed or cancelled in writing. A surcharge of 10% of the weekly fee may apply to fees overdue by one week or more. Non-payment of fees can result in you forfeiting your child’s place at the Centre.
An annual tax statement will be issued on request.
Emergency Information
If you change your home/work address or phone numbers, please tell the Co-ordinator immediately, so that our records are kept up to date. Only those persons nominated on your Enrolment Form may collect your child/ren from the Centre, so please advise the staff if you change those authorised persons at any time.
Collection of Children
Children will not be permitted to leave the school or the Centre unaccompanied or with an unauthorised adult. Children will only be released to those persons authorised on the enrolment form. In the event that another person must collect your child, please advise the staff in advance. This is particularly important in the event of custody disputes.
We use a digital kiosk for sign in/out. You will receive a welcome email from Xplor, once you have set up your login you will use your mobile phone to scan the QR code to sign in/out.
Late collection of Children
A Late Fee will be billed to your invoice for any child not collected by our closing time of 6.00pm. The fee is $20.00 for every 15 minutes after 6.00pm. If a child has not been collected by 6.30pm and all attempts to contact the parent/guardian, or other authorised adult, have failed, the staff will contact FACS and the Police. IT THEN BECOMES A LEGAL MATTER.
Policy Documents
Individual Policy Documents from the Parent Handbook above have been organised into subject areas below, and can be downloaded in Microsoft Word format by clicking the links.
Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations
Dealing with Infectious Diseases
Dealing with Medical Conditions and Administration of Medication
Delivery and Collection of Children
Digital Device and Social Media Use
Interactions with Children Policy
Management of Incident, Injury, Illness and Trauma