About Us
Our Philosophy
We believe that children are playful, imaginative, curious, full of energy and potential, and, above all, want to have fun!
Nanyima aims to provide a warm, safe, adaptable, and supportive environment for children through a diverse range of programs and activities.
A meticulous system of ongoing reflection, continuous self-improvement, and the implementation of the My Time Our Place Framework (MTOP) means Nanyima’s experienced childcare professionals always place priority on excellence of care, while maintaining and fostering productive and collaborative relationships with staff, schools, families and the wider community.
Children thrive when they feel loved and acknowledged, and this in turn cultivates resilience, empathy, self-reliance, and a deep sense of belonging. By recognising children as unique individuals with different interests and needs, nurturing their talents and supporting creativity and critical thinking, Nanyima helps them develop independence, confidence, and self-esteem.
In addition to celebrating Australia’s inclusive multicultural environment, we also foster an awareness of children’s impact on the environment and teach them ways they can further sustainability within the community.
Freedom to choose from a generous selection of indoor and outdoor experiences also encourages children to be adventurous, inquisitive, and flexible. All these options help develop interdependence, build strong friendships, and teach them about conflict resolution and justice.
While acknowledging the diverse range of lifestyles and cultures of the children in our care, we encourage children – through a range of activities – to challenge themselves – mentally, physically, and emotionally. This includes cultivating an awareness of themselves as agents of change as well as helping them to develop positive ties and connections within the community, especially with their peers, families, educators, and the school.
Through this carefully selected range of fun and stimulating activities we encourage the children in our care to develop positive and respectful communication skills, helping them grow into responsible, aware, and engaged citizens of the future.
Committee Meetings
The Parent Management Committee meets on a monthly basis. All parents of the centre are automatically members of the Association and welcome to attend meetings. If you can’t attend and wish a matter to be raised at a meeting, please speak with the Director, or contact a member of the Committee. Our AGM is held in May.
Contacting the Staff
The child care staff are on duty from 7.30am to 9.15am and 2 pm to 6 pm. The best times to contact the staff are listed at the front of this handbook, however if you need to contact the staff outside these hours, we recommend you employ one of the following methods:
- telephone Cammeray school and ask for a message to be put in the Nanyima ‘pigeon hole’;
- leave a message on our answer machine;
- try our mobile 0425 358 582
- send an e-mail
Hours of Operation
Nanyima is open for Before and After School Care during NSW School Terms. We operate Vacation Care during NSW school holidays and on Pupil Free Days, we are closed on Public Holidays.
Our normal operating hours are:
- Before School Care: 7.30am to 9.15am
- After School Care: 3.15pm to 6.00pm
- Vacation Care: 7.30am to 6.00pm
We ask your co-operation in ensuring that your child/ren is collected by 6.00pm sharp. If it is apparent that you may be late picking your child up, please make alternative arrangements for the safe collection of your child and advise the staff of the arrangements as soon as possible. A late fee is charged at $20 for every 15 minutes after 6pm.
Daily Activity Program
The Daily Activity Program’s purpose is to occupy, stimulate, extend and amuse. We provide a combination of planned and “free play” activities and the children may choose between the two. A variety of activities are offered and include art and craft, sport, drama, games, music, storytelling, gardening, cooking etc. Provision is also made for those children who wish to do their homework, talk with the staff, or just relax after school.
Breakfast provisions of toast and fruit are offered at Before School Care. A substantial afternoon tea is provided for children who attend the afternoon session. We provide a light breakfast and afternoon tea during Vacation Care, children bring their own lunch.
Children may be booked to attend on either a regular or a casual basis, subject to availability. If you want to change your child’s attendance days either permanently, or for a temporary period during the term, it is essential that you notify us in writing at least 2 weeks in advance. Permanent days may not be swapped ad hoc. Vacation Care bookings open 3 weeks prior to the start of the school holidays. There are no cancellations, refunds, credits or transfers.
Nanyima aims to establish and maintain effective communication between parents, staff, children and the Parent Management Committee. Newsletters are distributed monthly and contain information about activities at the Centre, forthcoming meetings, social events, etc. Notices for parents are also displayed on the small notice board. We encourage you to spend some time talking with the staff and to establish a routine for exchanging information about your child/ren with them. This will increase the staff’s understanding of your child/ren and help them plan appropriate care for your child/ren. You may need to consider making an appointment with the Co-ordinator if you have any major concerns or issues you wish to discuss.
Payment of fees
The current fee schedule (as at Feb 2025) is as follows: Before School Care: $21.00 or $23.00 for casual bookings. After School Care: $34.00 or $36.00 for casual bookings. Vacation Care: $80, Excursions $95. Payment is via direct debit from your bank account or credit card. You can check your account at anytime via the Xplor Home app. Direct debits are processed every second Thursday for that week plus the next week.
Fees are to be paid for all booked days, whether your child attends or not, until such time as the booking is changed or cancelled in writing. A surcharge of 10% of the weekly fee may apply to fees overdue by one week or more. Non-payment of fees can result in you forfeiting your child’s place at the Centre.
Child Care Subsidy
Families who are entitled to the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) reduction for fees need to contact the Family Assistance Office (13 6150) and obtain CRN’s for themselves and their child. They will then need to supply those CRN’s to us. Once you have been offered a place with us you will need to confirm your booking in your mygov account.
An annual tax statement will be issued on request.